• Scotties on Seventh Discotheque in downtown Minneapolis - Interior - Bar

Scotties on Seventh – Discotheque in downtown Minneapolis

Award winning historic renovation in 1978 of the Forum Cafeteria into “Scotties on Seventh” discotheque at 36 South Seventh Street in downtown Minneapolis, during the hey-day of the Disco culture.

1920’s Art Deco relic

Credits: Design – Pablo Murillo, Murillo Design International
Scott Smith – Owner
Entertechs – Charlie Sinclair – Sound and Lighting Technology; Michael Maher – Principal, Entertech

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Scotties on Seventh Discotheque Story is told on the Disco Music website, under Disco Clubs in Minneapolis: http://www.discomusic.com/clubs-more/1959_0_6_0_C/


“Scotties on Seventh was housed in a 1930s art-deco movie theater that was a staple of the Minneapolis scene…”

Were you part of the Minneapolis disco scene? Did you frequent Scotties on Seventh? Your stories, comments, and photos are welcomed. Visit the above link and add your story there.